Page 10 - Acheinu 5784-2024
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Directory of Services

                                                                                                             Community Services                 Yeshivas Masmidim Zichron
                                                                                                                                                Mordechai Leib
                                                                                                             Chaverim                           Evening study program for boys
                                                                                                             Emergency roadside assistance
                                                                                                                                                Mateh Aron Morning Kollel
                                                                                                             Hachnosas Orchim Housing for       Senior kollel
                                                                                                             Meshulachim                        Torah Database
                     Answering with                                                                          Acheinu Directory                  Access to over 110,000 seforim
 Answering           infrastructure                                                                          Annual community directory         Daf Yomi Digest
 with healing        Programs and communal services                                                          Achdus Bulletin                    Daily email on the daf
                                                                                                             Weekly Emails with community news
                                                                                                                                                Mishna Berura Yomi Digest
                     to build a supportive & connected                                                       and announcements                  Daily audio and text email
                     Jewish community.                                                                       Community emails
                                                                                                             Public service alerts and important   Weekly Live Hookup Shiur
                                                                                                             community updates                  Shiurim featuring Rav Reisman
                                                                                                                                                Simcha Davis Legal Holiday
                                                                                                             Torah Services                     Summer Shabbos Shiurim for
                                                                                                             Minyan Center
                                                                                                             20 daily minyanim                  Zmanim Charts
                                                                                                             Merkaz Daf Yomi                    Kollel Dirshu
                                                                                                             3 daily shiurim on the daf

                                                                                                                                                        773-761-4005 ext. 162

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