Page 10 - Acheinu 5783-2023
P. 10

100 years.

                         One mission.

                          1922-2022. A legacy of answering yes.

                          The Midwest in the early 1900’s was a spiritual wasteland with a
                          nominal Jewish presence. If the fledgling community was to stand a
                          chance at survival, it was clear there was much to be done. In 1922,
                          the Zidichover Rebbe, HaRav Yehoshua Heschel Eichenstein zt”l, and
                          Rebbetzin arrived in Chicago determined to lay the foundation for a
                          viable Jewish future. They would spend the rest of their lives
                          answering every imaginable Jewish need — physical and spiritual.
                          One hundred years and five generations later, Chicago is the spiritual
                          epicenter of the Midwest, and the Rebbe’s commitment to serving and
                          elevating the community continues through the work of the Chicago

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