Page 7 - Acheinu 5783-2023
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Directory of Services

 Answering with                                            Answering
 infrastructure                                            with support

 Programs and communal services                            Family support through life’s
 to build a supportive & connected                         milestones and challenges.
 Jewish community.  773-761-4005 ext. 162  773-761-4005 ext. 163

 Community Services   Yeshivas Masmidim Zichron   IMA New Mother Program  Dollars With Sense
 Mordechai Leib        Infant and mother assistance        Budgeting education and coaching
 Chaverim  Evening study program for boys
 Emergency roadside assistance  Hachnosas Orchim Housing   Tomchei Torah
 Mateh Aron Morning Kollel  for Families                   Monthly stipends for kollel/chinuch
 Hachnosas Orchim Housing for   Senior kollel              families
 Meshulachim           Helping Hands
 Torah Database        Cleaning relief for new parents and   Avos Ubanim
 Acheinu Directory   Access to over 110,000 seforim  families with medical challenges   Father and son summer Shabbos
 Annual community directory                                learning program
 Daf Yomi Digest       Dor Yeshorim Genetic Testing
 Achdus Bulletin  Daily email on the daf  All Kids Consulting   Yeshivas Mordechai HaTzadik
                                                           Fathers & sons Purim learning program
 Weekly emails with community news   Assistance with government health
 and announcements  Mishna Berura Yomi Digest  insurance applications for children   Simcha Calling Post
 Daily audio and text email   and expectant women
 Community emails                                          Phone and email community broadcasts
                                                           for simchos
 Public service alerts and important   Weekly Live Hookup Shiur  DVD Library
 community updates  Shiurim featuring Rav Reisman   Entertainment for patients and their
 Pop-up store  Simcha Davis Legal Holiday   families
 No-cost seasonal closeouts   Shiurim
 Summer Shabbos Shiurim for
 Torah Services  Zmanim Charts
 Minyan Center   Kollel Dirshu               Reach out today.
 20 daily minyanim
 Merkaz Daf Yomi                             The answer is
 3 daily shiurim on the daf
                                             ←⃝  Scan to view a full list of our
                                                 services at

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